We had a productive meeting on March 25 and went through our tasks for the upcoming weeks, through Spring Break. Phase 2 of our project begins today.
A lot of the discussion centered around the GDPW visuals: the logo, the website, and the visualizations. First, we discussed what our first social media posts will feature; this will be the first item on our agenda. Our plan is to make the posts graphics-focused with as few words as possible. Elijah feels that with Reddit and Bluesky, it will be possible to create a conversation around our topic if we want to engage more with the public. Madison brought up the point that on social media, people are really just scrolling through, so our posts should be as simple yet as eye-catching as possible. We won’t have any active links in these posts yet. Madison has completed some preliminary data visualizations and they are up on the AirTable site. She’s run some of the data through: the length of the matches, and some that are comparative (men/women). Madison is also working on mastering even more of Tableau.
Next, we discussed adding resources to Zotero; Cathy will be working with Stephen Zweibel next week to learn a bit of how to use that system. We agreed that we would remove the JS Timeline from our website, and Elijah gave us a tutorial on editing the site using Elementor. Business card design and printing was next, and Martin and Madison are going to look for a local copy shop that could probably print our cards for less than it would cost to go through a large chain store, or to order them online. Madison is going to work on some design ideas for the business cards so that we can have them ready to go for the wrestling event in Queens on April 25!