Project Work Plan

Work Plan/Management Timeline

Feb 4 – 18 (Phase 0)

  • Pitch Proposal, assign roles, supervision/guidance (MB)
  • Documentation and Research of Necessary Historical Content, Start Upcoming Group Blog Post(CM)
  • Creating WordPress, Creating Links, Create Social Media Accounts (Reddit and BlueSky) (EN)
  • Install Tableau or any software that will be used for data visualization, and look at samples of data visualization. (MW)
  • Establish a form of group communication and a Google Drive.
  • Discuss Gender Disparity and Professional Wrestling
  • All members should provide any input before the revised proposal pitch due date. They should also add additional writing to the group blog post.
  • Possible Zoom meet-up on Feb 18 to discuss anything essential and provide updates for upcoming Phase 1.


Feb 19 – Mar 4 (Phase 1)

  • Data Extraction, Creating assignments on Airtable, Discussing and Provide Essential Interpretation of Data, Supervision/Guidance, Floater (MB)
  • Provide Sample Data Visuals, Sort Through Data, Assist Front End (MW)
  • Provide Sample Data Visuals, Start WordPress Web Design, Sort Through Data (EN)
  • Research Any Additional Information, Documentation Crucial Information For Group (CM)
  • All Members should keep posting their weekly group and solo blogs and should reach out for any concerns.


Mar 5 – 24 (Phase 1.5)

  • Oversee All Progress of Current Roles, Provide Any Feedback, Update Timeline if necessary, Float (MB)
  • Begin a Paper Outlining and Drafting for the Final Group Paper (CM)
  • Create Data Visuals; Provide a summary of why you chose these visuals (EN)
  • Create Data/Map Visuals; Provide a summary of why you chose these visuals (MW)
  • We will vote on which Visuals to use moving to Phase 2
  • Everyone should be thinking about what they want to include in the final paper and possibly start writing About Us page


Mar 25 – Apr 11 (Phase 2)

  • Float, Supervise, and Begin Discussion of Outreach Implementation (MB)
  • Writing Drafts/Documenting and Working with the Project Manager to Determine What Written Information Will Be Added to the Site (CM)
  • Upload and Submit Final Data Visuals to Google Drive and Assist the Front End with Web Design(MW)
  • Upload and Submit Final Data Visuals to Google Drive and Commence Implementing Web Design (EN)
  • All members should check in from April 8 -11 to see if everything is in order, provide any concerns, request feedback, and ask or check if anything else needs to be done before moving on to Phase 3.


Apr 12 – 20

  • Spring Break! Enjoy It!
  • Do reach out to the group if anything


Apr 21 – May 5 (Phase 3)

  • Supervise and Commence Outreach Implementation (MB)
  • Begin Adding Visuals to the Website and Finalizing Web Design (EN)
  • Write Up and Summarize What The Audience Should Be Thinking When Looking At The Data Visuals and Assist Front End (CW)
  • Commence Outreach on Social Media and Establish a Presence; any documents/drafts and updated Docs should all be on Google Drive(CM)
  • All members should start drafting and/or writing their portion for the final and solo papers.
  • In addition to that, personal information should be included on the About Us page.
  • Everything should be completed at this point on the weekend leading up to class on May 5.


May 6 – 18 (Phase X)

  • Dress Rehearsal (May 6)
  • Last Minute Fixes, Additions, and Project Polishing (May 7 -12)
  • Showcase! (May 13)
  • Finalize Project Reports and Submit individual papers (May 20)



The first couple of weeks consist of the proposal pitch and acquiring a group of participants. The project manager’s task during this stage is to pitch and assign roles to the new participants based on their strengths and the comfortability of each member. We will be using AirTable to delegate tasks and keep deadlines. No one is to be assigned a role or task requiring learning a new skill or software that may add additional time to this project. During this time, the new participants will provide any further input for the project that will be considered and documented if anything is to be added or altered. Lastly, the last step during the first couple of weeks is to establish a standard method of communication for contact and opening Google Drive that everyone in the project has access to and provide any information/documents that will be crucial to the project. 

The project manager will serve as a floater for the project. It will be necessary to assist all members when they require assistance and to lessen the workload. All members should refer to the Timeline for details and requirements for those dates and phases. The project manager can elaborate on any specific information and, at any time, is welcome to add or change any task they feel is cumbersome to their assigned role. The role of front end and back end have also decided to split the data visualizations and mapping creation, in which the project manager has extracted and provided two separate files of Excel data that will be available for both members to decide the data visuals they will create. Please remember that any due dates and assignments for the class are not listed in this Timeline. It is for group project management only, so we all know where we should be and if there is any work you will need to catch up on. Don’t hesitate to contact the group or project manager for any days you may miss. Please also refer to the Notes doc on Google Drive for any information. 

Lastly, for reference purposes, the initials in parenthesis refer to the name of team members and depict what each task/assignment is due in that phase.


PS: I have invited the professor to our AirTable. We are using AirTable, and although this Workplan has bi-tri weekly timelines, through AirTable, I am personally setting weekly tasks and deadlines to accommodate my team and their schedules as well.

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