Not as much to say this week from me this week unfortunately – I spent the bulk of last week recovering from a (mild!) concussion. Lesson of the Week: if you hit your head and it still hurts the next morning, get it checked out – don’t wait until the next day. Also, don’t get a concussion. And be careful putting away cat food. Thankfully I’m able to get back in the game. I may need to plan out my work more thoroughly / incorporate breaks in my work time, but I’m back in the game.
Thankfully my amazing teammates kept at it with working on wireframes and continuing research, starting on the remaining songs from our second program!
Next up this week: I work on setting up the back-end of the website. Thankfully, the columns for our song research table have come together pretty organically – so the basic structure should be fairly simple. I’m also not too worried about setting up the structure for the program table seeing as I’ll be pulling information directly from the programs for that one. I’m sure the content of the tables will be updated many times between now and April, especially once they start powering the front end.
Soon we’ll be switching from Song Research to History of Women in Bandura, so I definitely have plenty to come back to! It’s definitely daunting to have been gone for a week, but I’m excited to dig in.
Update: HAHAHA oh, will I have plenty to write about setting up the program table next week. (spoiler: I underestimated this task.) Find out if I wound up switching from CSV format to JSON!