Description of the Data
We have been provided with programs, song titles, sheet music, photos, audio recordings, performance video YouTube links by WBENA. The dataset will be supplemented with song data and history of women in bandura with research of primary and secondary texts as well as oral history interviews. Since WBENA is an active ensemble, the data set will have new items coming in regularly at a rate of one or two programs per year.
We will be producing two .csv files and one markdown file. We are digesting two programs in six weeks, initiating at a rate of thirteen songs in approximately four weeks. Next, we will research six additional songs from the second program in approximately two weeks. We expect the selected program and song data to remain static.
For this project we are using .csv, PDF, JPEG, MP3 and WAV, which we may need to convert for accessibility, Markdown, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files.
Data Storage and Protection
We are storing a copy of the data in Google Drive folders shared with access restricted to the team and WBENA. The ensemble has hard copies of programs and sheet music. Audio recordings are hosted on Soundcloud, and the videos are hosted on YouTube. If original copies of any of the data items go down, we’ll have the site and the data powering it posted on GitHub.
Data Format and Documentation
We are using the Wax framework which will be hosted on GitHub Pages. The song and program data will be inserted into .csv files which will power the website rendered in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. The history of women in bandura information will be synthesized into an article and published via a markdown file.
For research, we have a running document of sources. We will write up an agreement between us and any potential interviewees. We have taken existing collections from WBENA via Google Drive, which has been documented in several email threads.
We are planning on creating a README for our website which will include explanations of the files and code included. The code itself will be clearly organized and commented on for accessibility sake. Tasha will take on the role of implementation as the Project Manager, while ensuring that the team is following the plan.
Our directory set up is going to be in line with the Wax framework. We will use kebab-case in naming our files for readability. For each song and program we will be assigning them their own unique identifiers. Each song will be identified as SONG[#] where the number refers to the order of addition to the .csv file. Each program will be identified PROG[#] where the number refers to the order of addition to the .csv file.
Data Access, Sharing and Archiving
WBENA owns the information that will be hosted on the site. They also have final say over what is published and final ownership of the project.
Primary sources of access will be Google Drive and GitHub. The WBENA will have access to both repositories. We will designate one team member to download and host information on their hard drive. We will use Zoom to record and transcribe interviews with WBENA on the history of women in bandura. We will not publish recordings without explicit permission. All recordings that are not published will be turned over to WBENA or the respective party at the conclusion of the project. Recordings will comprise audio/video and related transcripts.
The published data will be public on GitHub and the Women of Bandura website, but only WBENA and the team will be able to edit the data. The site will be officially published in late April 2025.
The data will be retained for the foreseeable future since it is powering a public website. Any data not used in the final site will be returned to its owners. At least one member of the project (the Project Lead) will act as a consultant after the project’s completion.